Shipwrecked MFfb ped menst creampie oral inc cousins

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

October 12, 2016

Please read my Explicit Disclaimer before you read my work.

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Chapter 134: Considering Newcomers

Chapter Cast:

Kal, Male, 38
- Narrator, disaster survivor and castaway
- Husband of Kate, Bailey, Keekah, and Amy, father of Katie
- 6'1, 190lbs, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair
Kate, Female, 37
- Wife of Kal and Amy
- 5'8, 150lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length curly red hair
Nina, Female, 26
- Lover of Kate, Kal, and Hakee
- 5'4, 120lbs, light-brown tanned skin, straight shoulder-length brown hair
Bailey, Female, 15
- Wife of Kal, mother of Katie
- 5'5, 130lbs, golden-brown tanned skin, shoulder-length light yellow-brown sun-streaked hair
Keekah, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal, pregnant, daughter of Manu, sister of Hakee and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'6, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, waist-length mostly-straight black hair
Gale, Female, 44
- Wife of Tok
- 5'5, 130lbs, dark tanned skin, waist-length dark reddish-brown hair
Manu, Female, 33
- Survivor from Hahonoko, mother of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie, aunt of Poln
- 5'5, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Hakee, Female, 18
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'9, 145lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Mie, Female, 12-13
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Hakee, cousin of Poln
- 5'1, 100lbs, mocha-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy black hair
Poln, Male, 11
- Survivor from Hahonoko, nephew of Manu, cousin of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie
- 4'11, 115lbs, mocha-brown skin, short, wavy dark-brown hair
Tok, Male, 35
- Survivor from Hahonoko, husband of Gale, father of Azure
- 6'3, 205lbs, brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Amy, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal and Kate, mother of Azure
- 5'7, 130lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length straight black hair
Amu (Amutoko), Male, 52-53
- Newcomer to the island, widowed hermit
- 5'6, 150lbs, medium-brown skin, tight-curly black hair
Kylana, Female, 15
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, sister of Hunamu, Tika, and Tila
- 5'8, 140lbs, dark-brown skin, long dark-brown hair in braids
Hunamu, Male, 14
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, brother of Kylana, Tika, and Tila
- 5'10, 150lbs, dark-brown skin, cropped curly black hair
Tika, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tila, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Tila, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tika, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Popko, Male, 20
- Uhonomonan native
- 5'10, 165lbs, dark-brown skin, short curly black hair
Katie, Female, 9 months
- Daughter of Kal and Bailey, first child born on Phoenix
- Infant, beige skin, sandy red hair
Azure, Female, newborn
- Daughter of Amy and Tok, second child born on Phoenix
- Infant, rich bronze skin, curly black hair

“It has changed her mind,” Tok told me during our scheduled call with the Uhonamonans. “We can return in one week if you can come here. Five weeks if they must bring us.” He had discussed his desire to return to Phoenix to be with his daughter with Gale, and she was more than eager to do so. Gale's classes had been going well, teaching English to the Uhonamonans, and she felt that enough others had quickly become proficient that they could take over for her. Though Azure was not her biological child, Tok implied that Gale wished to be a mother to the girl, as well.

“This is wonderful to hear,” I told him. “Let's discuss again in two days, same time as this one. I'll bring the others in and see what we can do to fetch you quickly.”

“Excellent, my friend. I will await your word.”

The conversation ended in static, and I was lifted to know that my good friends would be returning to live once more on Phoenix. I missed them terribly, and I knew Tok was excited to know he'd be meeting his daughter for the first time.

It had barely been a day and a half since Azure was born, but already, it was starting to feel normal to have her around. Amy was a proud mom, happy for anyone to visit and gush over the newborn. She mostly stayed in our shelter, but she was able to get around, mostly on her own, when she needed to empty her bladder or bowels. Kate was a mother hen to her, always checking in to see if she or Azure needed anything. I knew it gave my first wife great joy to play that role, and it wasn't long before Kate was offering the newborn her milk as she had for Katie.

Hunamu and Popko went North to relieve Nina and Hakee on October 16th, and the two arrived that morning not long after I finished my conversation with Tok. Amy beamed as she introduced them to Azure.

The camp hummed with activity, and it didn't hurt that the days were warm but mild, a steady breeze blowing cooler from the South. The Spring weather was always the best on the island, and Spring 2015 took on a freshness we'd not known before. Maybe it was the new child in our family. Maybe it was the imminent return of Gale and Tok, or perhaps the successful planting which had been finished on schedule a few weeks earlier. Whatever it was, we all seemed to feel alive and ready to face the coming months.

We met together the night of Nina's and Hakee's return to the main camp to discuss what we wanted to do about fetching Tok and Gale. We'd barely touched our fuel supplies, and I felt certain we could likely barter for more with the Uhonamonans if needed. We had plenty for a few round trips to the island, but I never wanted us to be running short.

It was decided that Nina would captain the boat, leaving the next day, taking Hakee and the Kylana. They'd stay just one night before starting the return trip to Phoenix.

On the call a couple of days later with the Uhonamonans, I let Tok know what had been decided, and he was thrilled to know he'd be able to hold his daughter in just a few days.

“There is something new we must discuss,” Tok said in a more serious tone. “Kunomo wishes to leave his home and stay with us on Phoenix.”

I had expected as much, having discussed that very idea with Tok previously. “He is still treated poorly there?” Kunomo had lost his position as trusted elder when word reached the island that he'd had intimate relations with his niece.

“Poorly, no, but he is no longer regarded highly. And, he misses his niece, I am sure.”

I agreed. “Well, you know here we make all decisions together. Tentatively, I think we can offer him shelter with us, but I'll want to talk to the others first.”

“Of course, though, they listen to you, Kal. You must know this. They follow your lead,” he told me.

“I suppose.”

“Phoenix is growing larger, my friend. I think perhaps it is time to elect elders of our own. I have no doubt who would be the leader of our leaders.”

I didn't reply immediately.

Tok continued. “There is more. The others I mentioned, the father and daughter, and the woman and her nephew. They have heard of the acceptance there. They wish to join a new community where their relationships are more understood and less condemned. Perhaps three or four others have also expressed this desire. The Uhonamonan elders feel this is an acceptable decision and wish to facilitate such a migration. They believe it is best for everyone, including the elders.”

“Wow... that's a lot to consider, Tok. One man, sure we can take him in. But five? Ten? That's more than we are prepared to support here. We'd stretch our food thin with so many, and we don't have a lot more room to farm on the island. I don't know...”

“I have considered this. There is a proposal put forward worth considering, as well.”


“One man, Ekoh, is a prominent member of this island, an older man. You understand that Uhonamona is largely communal, yes?”

“As we are, yes,” I responded.

“But they also have personal wealth in certain ways. Ekoh was a trader from an island far to the West who settled here. He brought with him wealth, material items he could trade for other goods. He has been very generous, often giving what was needed by the people here when they must barter for food or medicine, but he remains a wealthy man. He is one who wishes to join us on Phoenix, and I believe it is due to his relationship with his mother.”

“He wants to bring his mother?”

“No, she is long dead.”

“I'm confused,” I admitted.

“It has been whispered that he was intimate with his mother years ago, before he came to this place. While he has not said so to me, his questions and comments about Kunoma's relationship with Kylana suggest the rumors about him are true. I believe he wishes to go somewhere he can fully embrace his past, perhaps even discuss it with others who understand or accept him. He cannot have that here.”

“Okay,” I said, somewhat understanding Tok's point, “he and his mother were intimate, and that means he wants to live somewhere he doesn't have to hide that. Fair enough, but how does that help us to solve the food problem.”

“He owns his own boat.”


“Two, in fact. One is older, a sailboat, and he expects to gift it to the Uhonamonans, but the other is very nice, good on rough seas. I have been working with him these past weeks, catching fish in deep waters. The abundance there could alleviate the need to overburden our crops.”

“I dunno, Tok. We have all the seafood we can haul up. Protein has never been a problem.”

“I understand. But it is not just fish we seek. He has made contact with several islands to the West. He knows many who are still untouched by the war. They are eager to trade for fish, and they have crops to offer. Fresh fruits, greens, spices we haven't known. I believe we can easily overcome the issue of crop shortages with this arrangement.”

I let out a long breath. “I'm worried about bringing someone here who owns things in that way. You said yourself, communal living. There's really nothing here which is owned by anyone. All of it is shared. I... I worry the dynamic would be wrong to bring him here, where he could use his ownership of the boat and trading networks to his own advantage.”

“You see much, my friend, and you are right to worry about such things,” Tok said, “this is why I have discussed this very issue with Ekoh. He has agreed to the following terms. First, he is accepted on Phoenix, along with the others seeking to live there, nine in total I believe. Second, we will share with him and the others whatever we have as equals. Third, that we will allow him the freedom to build a sailboat to replace the one he is gifting to those here. He only requires the time and the wood from Phoenix, all else he will bring with him. The boat will be owned communally.”

Tok stopped speaking, so I asked, “is that all?”

“Those are his conditions.”

“And what do we get if we agree?”

“The boat he brings with him will be gifted to those on Phoenix, as will all the other possessions he brings with him with the exception of a few personal items of value only to him. He also promises to take others to meet and form relationships with the other islands he has frequented so that bonds may form between our peoples. Finally,” Tok said with a light chuckle, “he has very privately asked that no one makes fun of his penis.”

“What?” I chuckled, “seriously?”

“He has, as he describes it, a 'small one.' I have not seen it,” Tok explained, “but I have heard others laugh about its size.”

I shook my head. “Well, look. I can't guarantee that no one will say anything rude, but... I can't imagine anyone here is going to make fun of him. I mean, jeez, Tok, next to you, we all have small ones.”

The man laughed, “yes, well. You have gotten no complaints, I think, correct?”

“None yet,” I replied.

“And I doubt you will. Regardless, he knows about our nakedness on Phoenix, and I believe that he is worried that he will be too embarrassed to shed his clothing.”

“Was there anything else?”

“No, those are the terms he seeks.”

“And... what sort of time frame does he look for here? We don't have room to put nine new people up in the camp right now, not even if more were to stay North.”

“In exchange for my work on with the fishing crews, I have turned down equal shares of various items in order to bargain for supplies which will assist in this. Here is what I propose. Accept Kunomo when Gale and I return. Ekoh will not be ready to leave here for at least about two months, perhaps a little longer as he wishes to travel a few more times to the Western islands to fulfill his commitments to the Uhonamonans. I will barter what is owed me for building materials and whatever else I can negotiate, including tents, and the newcomers will arrive with Ekoh in the early Summer.”

It was a lot to think about. I thanked Tok for his work in negotiating the conditions before presenting the challenges to us. On the surface, the deal itself sounded reasonable, if we had some assurances that the trades for crops and other supplies could be consistent and fair.

It would be nice to have some of the deep water fish, but as I'd told Tok, we didn't want for seafood. What we needed was vegetative in nature. We had plenty for our current population, even once Tok and Gale and Kunomo arrived, but beyond that, I knew we were stretching it. Amu had drawn up plans to lay two new, small fields in the North, but they would add only marginally to our crops, certainly not enough to support so many new people.

And I had a deeper concern. Several times, new people had been introduced to Phoenix. For a long time, it was just me and Bailey, Gale and Keekah. Then came the Hahonokoans and Amy, and that had worked out tremendously well. Later, we added Amu, and then the four siblings, and finally Popko, each again stretching our supplies but not breaking them. Now, we were considering adding nine or ten new people. Only Kunomo did we know amongst them. I wasn't sure I wanted to risk growing our population so quickly with so many unknown personalities in the mix.

I knew this was not a decision for me to make alone, nor one which should be undertaken without thorough consideration.

I supposed it was inevitable that people 'out there' would want to live on Phoenix. Where as Uhonamona had hundreds in its population, if not over a thousand, we had nineteen. Twenty, I reminded myself, smiling as I thought of the birth of Azure. Adding ten people to a thousand made a small impact. Adding those same ten to twenty was a huge challenge.

I had a lot on my mind as I went about the day's work.

- - -

We gathered in the common room that night. Everyone but Popko and Hunamu were present, the two young men in the North. Amy held Azure to her breast, the small newborn alternated suckling and sleeping. Amy looked tired, but she was still grinning as she held the girl against her bared chest.

I explained what Tok had told me, careful not to outright reveal my thoughts so as to get more honest assessments from the others. I laid out the conditions Ekoh had requested, as well as what he would provide.

I could see each face carefully considering the idea. Bailey expressed concern that we didn't know anyone but Kunomo. We had all agreed the man was welcome, but there were reservations about the others.

“They should know the rules,” Amy suggested.

“Rules?” I asked.

“Like... how we do things. I think we should write them down. Make a... Constitution, of sorts. You know, explaining how things work here, what's expected, how we make decisions.”

I nodded and saw others doing the same. “Make sense. A set of ideals and... laws, I guess. What they must accept to come here.”

“What about elders, Kal?” Manu asked, echoing Tok's thoughts. “We are becoming too large to make every decision as a group. We should choose elders to speak for us in important matters.”

“So long as we aren't left in the dark about those matters,” Nina added, “I don't much like the idea that vital decisions might be made without my input. I'm sure I'm not alone.”

“We can't be a democracy any more, can we?” Bailey asked. “Thirty people is too many to vote on everything like we pretty much do now. Or is it too many?”

I shrugged, “Maybe not too many, but I get the point. At minimum, we should at least designate three or so people to handle issues which come up, just to help organize without needing to bog down in endless discussions. Plus, I think the idea of elders made up of those of us here now is a good idea short term. Ten new people might bring ideas some of us strongly disagree with, and I for one don't particularly want to be outvoted on something just because newcomers were able to get a handful of us to side with them. That feels like a betrayal of all we've worked for.”

“Isn't that fair, though?” Nina replied, “I mean, if we have eighteen people now who are old enough to have a say, and five of them agree with the ten new people, why wouldn't we do things the way the majority decides?”

I shrugged again, “fair point. I guess what I'm saying implicitly is that I'd rather turn down the others in order to maintain the family way we have now. We have it good right now. We've been lucky to bond together and see things through as a team. New people, with different values, they threaten that... at least as I see it. I don't want things to change in that way.”

Bailey put her hand on my arm and said, “things always change, Kal. You've told me that often enough. Can we not welcome in others who are unhappy where they are? Assuming they contribute and work hard and have decent morals... who are we to refuse them?”

“I think of this place as home,” Amy said, shifting Azure in her arms, “and I'm happy to welcome people into my home... but if they don't see things the way we do now... I'd rather not have them.”

Others joined in the conversation, and it was a mix of encouragement for accepting new people as well as strong reservations about upsetting the wonderful balance we already enjoyed.

“There's still a war going on, in case anyone forgot,” Hakee said after almost an hour of discussion. “We need all the allies we can get. If we refuse to take in these people... if things get bad here, the Uhonamonan's might refuse us refuge. Or what if some of us decide we aren't happy here and wish to go there? Might they refuse that, too?”

I was worried that Hakee's words were thinly covering an unhappiness she had not voiced to me.

She quickly disowned that concern. “No, I do not wish to leave. I love it here, so long as Nina is here, and all my family. But this will happen, and you all know this. We need allies in more than just resisting the war, we need to know there are other places we may go, where we may be welcomed, and I believe refusing to accept these people might make it harder for those who live here to find sanctuary in other places.”

I wasn't sure the logic followed, but I understood Hakee's point.

“We don't have to decide anything tonight. In fact, I strongly suggest we do no such thing. We have time to discuss this over the coming weeks. Ekoh expects to be ready, should we accept, in the early Summer, so we should not rush into anything quickly.” I let out a long breath. “Unless anyone would like to add more, I think I'm growing tired and could use an early slumber.”

When no one spoke up, I added, “I would, though, like to get a very early indication of where we stand. If you had to decide right now... and you do not... but if you did, how many of you are generally in favor of negotiating to take in these people?”

Seven hands went up, leaving six others plus me generally not in favor, plus we hadn't gotten input from Popko, Hunamu, Gale, or Tok. “Okay,” I said, “so we have some work to do to come to a consensus. This is good. We haven't had a meeting like this in some time.” I smiled at the others. “It feels good to know we trust each other enough to discuss important matters like this together. Whatever we decide, whatever we do, I hope we always have that.”

- - -

Mie's birthday was the next day, leaving her preteen years behind some time after her body had done so. The newly-thirteen year old wasn't expecting anything special, but in the early pre-dawn hours, Hakee made her sister a fried cake and topped it with sweetened berries. She and Nina, along with Kylana were off to the East towards the boats a short time later, hoping to set out with the first light.

I was still turning over the previous night's conversation as I ate a small bowl of oats and cinnamon, stirring in a spoonful of the precious honey we had so carefully rationed. I couldn't help feeling dread at the idea that our paradise would change with the coming of strangers. It's the main reason I had withheld my vote during our discussion. I expected we could provide the nutrition we needed if we worked at it. Amu had already come up to me that morning and suggested that with a couple of better tools, we could probably clear some good-sized sections of the forest near the North lake to turn over to plantable fields. He knew how to do it, but the labor involved would have been extensive. With new folks joining us, we'd have both the incentive and the hands needed to see it through. Assuming we could pick up the tools he suggested would ease the task.

I checked on Amy to be sure she and Azure were doing ok, and they were fine. The infant had cried several times in the night, and Kate had jumped in to take care of the girl so that Amy could get some sleep. It was lovely to see my first wife so happy playing mother to the island's two little ones.

I took Katie with me when Bailey went to void her bowels, carrying my daughter in to see Azure. Amy was resting but not sleeping, and her daughter was laying on her stomach. I watched Katie's eyes light up when she saw the newborn. She put her hand in her mouth and giggled, looking at me, then back at Azure. “That's Azure. Azure,” I told her.

Katie stared at me a moment, then looked back at the girl. “Ashwaw”


“Ashwaw.” Katie giggled again and held her arms out towards the girl. Amy grinned as I let Katie get down on the mattress net to her.

I told my daughter, “Be gentle. She's a baby.”


“Like you. A baby.”

Katie giggled at me again, then turned back to Azure, carefully touching the newborn's dark curls. She stroked them a moment, then pulled her hand back quickly, laughing.

“Azure.” I repeated.


Amy smiled at me again, saying, “she's getting so big, Kal. I can't believe she's already nine months. Can you believe Azure was born five days ago? How could so many days already have flown by?”

I shook my head. “Time flies and all that... Need anything?”

“We're good, thanks. I'm heading over to the bath in a bit to cool off, it's hot today.”

“Okay, well if you need me, I'll be down at the shore fishing.”

I headed to collect the gear and I couldn't help thinking about how time had flown, and how much could change in so little time. It had only been months since I'd returned to the island, but I'd largely managed to forget those awful weeks I spent in Papeete. The aching loneliness, the questions of sanity and memory, those had mostly been left behind.

But sometimes those claustrophobic moments hit me from nowhere, and walking down to the surf was one of those times. I stopped in my tracks and tried to shake off the sensation of being bound, closed in, forgotten. I blinked twice, just to be sure this wasn't one of those vivid hallucinations I'd suffered near the end. I felt dizzy.

It was Mie who took my hand and brought me back to myself. “You alright?”

My smile was strained. “Yeah, just an old memory.”

She eyed me, then looked down, silent a moment, then she said, “The fish are schooling just there,” Mie told me, pointing to where the twins were holding poles, knee deep in the surf.

“Good, that's... good. I'm coming.”

And just like that, the sensation passed. It never really goes away, but simple touches and words helped me keep those memories from bubbling over so easily. It was what I craved when I had no one, and I recognized that, for whatever reason, I had strong need for other people in my life. I'd known people who claimed to be happy when they largely kept away from others, but that wasn't me. It was why, I believe, my first few days with Bailey had turned intimate so quickly. I needed that contact. I needed to be loved.

Maybe some might call that a weakness. I suppose it can be so, but on the whole, I think it brought me as close to fulfillment as I could imagine. I felt love throughout my body and mind. No, not in that super-squishy hippy sense, but I was tuned to be sensitive to it. The loss of Kate and Nina, the nightmare thoughts which grew over those days, made me crave a bond, and Bailey, thankfully, was seeking the same. I was extraordinarily fortunate that she and I connected that way, and she's been good for me ever since. I hoped that all of the relationships I'd fostered over the two years on Phoenix were just as worthwhile for everyone.

I snapped back to the moment and realized I had already cast out my line. I could feel the tip jerking, and I readied to pull in whatever was taking my bait. I saw Mie grinning at me, and I returned her glances. I got the feeling that Mie wanted to do something 'worthwhile' when we had the chance.

- - -

Many of us danced around the fire pit after dinner to celebrate Mie's thirteenth birthday. The girl was beaming proudly as I offered her my hand and joined the others who were sharing the 'dance floor.' We moved quickly together, then embraced in a slower swaying of our bodies. Mie was becoming an adult in Phoenix terms, and it was hard, with her body maturing so quickly, to remember the small, immature, shy and frightened eleven-year old who had first come to the island. Her brown eyes were shining and happy as she spun away from me and danced with Poln and then Kate.

Mie wore a pair of panties, a sure sign on the island that a woman's period had started, a slender pad attached inside the crotch. She'd not been wearing them earlier in the day, so her blood must have come that evening.

Amy was down for sleep with Azure, and Keekah was napping alongside. I took Katie a while so that Bailey could dance, and then Kate took my daughter so that Bailey and I could share a moment together.

Someone was usually drumming throughout, whether on an empty jug or bucket, or using a mallet on a hard chunk of firewood, just a background rhythm that did enough to provide a beat. I missed music in that moment. While there was often singing, chanting, and humming around the camp, the lack of guitars and flutes and harmonicas was one of the negatives in our current situation. I wondered if any of the others played instruments. I'd played some rough guitar many years earlier, and tried my hand at a piano for about two months, but I was never very good at either. Still, it would have been nice to add a simple, uplifting chord progression to accompany the way Bailey danced with me, her head against my shoulder.

“Sleepy,” Bailey told me after kissing my lips, “think I'll go join Keekah and Amy.”

“Good night, my Love.”

“Night, Kal.”

Bailey took Katie and went inside our hut. Some of the others drifted out as well, leaving me to share dances with Kate and Mie, alternating partners with Poln.

Kate wrapped her arms around me after passing Poln off to Mie, the redhead smiling and kissing my lips. “We should grab a sheet and go down by the water...” she said loud enough for the cousins to hear.

Mie grinned and Poln did too. While the three of them went down towards the surf, I grabbed one of our oversized beach sheets and headed back down the sand. Spread quickly, we settled down on the sheet, resuming our kissing and caresses. Kate and I watched as Mie moved onto her back. Poln's little penis had already risen, sticking out from his slender body. He helped Mie remove her panties and the newly-teen girl spread her legs wide. I saw the pad in the panty crotch had a splotch of red in the middle, a light sheen on Mie's labia, as well.

It didn't bother Poln one bit as he moved over his thirteen-year old cousin and quickly pushed his crotch against hers, sinking his thin dick into her menstruating vagina. Mie's hands slid to his shoulders as the boy started to fuck her. Kate stroked my cock then moved her head to my lap to suck me in while I caressed her back and ran my fingers through her sun-lightened red hair.

Poln rarely took long to ejaculate. It didn't matter if he was inside Mie's pussy or ass, or if he was fucking someone else, getting a blow job, or just playing with himself. The boy was still a fast-ejaculator, and only a minute or so after entering Mie's sticky pussy, he started to shudder and climax, shooting his thin jism into his cousin's tight hole.

He pulled back and Mie's menstrual blood had lightly streaked his brown penis, mixed with her cream and his cum in a reddish-white froth around the base of his shaft. More of the pinkish froth was between Mie's legs.

My view was blocked then as Kate pushed me to my back and straddled my hips, bringing her wonderful pussy down on my length. I groaned in pleasure as her warm folds took me inside. Mie was on her knees beside us then, and while Kate fucked me and kissed the teen, I began to fondle the blossoming girl's vulva. It was sticky with blood and cum, but I didn't mind at all. Mie's clit was erect and I twirled two fingers around it, using the slippery coating on her labia as lubrication.

The girl started to rock, and Kate's fingers caressed her budding breasts. I slipped a finger into Mie's tight pussy, using the palm of my hand to rub her clit, and moments later, the young teen came hard. “Nnnnnnnnn—ohhhhhh-ooooohhuhhhh...” Kate rode faster, her cunt slamming down on my groin, taking my length fully inside her vagina. As Mie's orgasm faded and left the girl sliding onto her back next to Poln, Kate climaxed, holding my shoulders as she ground her body onto mine.

Kate slid off of me and sucked me again, then I saw her catch Mie's eyes with a smile. Mie's nod said everything. Kate all but pulled me up to my knees and between the teen's spreading legs. I gazed at the sloppy mess on Mie's vulva, a thin trail of blood leaking from her vagina, matted hair coated in cum and menstrual remains.

I think it surprised Mie when I didn't just penetrate her with my cock. Instead, I gave her what I hoped was a special treat. Some women are especially sensitive during their periods, and of those, some enjoy lots of stimulation and others seek to avoid it. Mie, I knew, was one of the former. I let my tongue dance along the top of her slit, her clit hardening again. I tasted metal and salt, a pungent but not off-putting flavor that felt heavy on my tongue.

Mie moaned her appreciation as I licked her pussy and clitoris, her hips soon circling and clenching tight around my head. Her back arched and she came again. I let my tongue stick out so that the girl could writhe against it, moving her sensitive flesh just where she wanted licked.

I crawled over her before she could catch her breath. The head of my cock was inside and I pushed harder as she gasped and shuddered. Mie's pussy was always incredibly tight, and it seemed that during her period, it had swollen and felt even more snug. I struggled to get more than half of my dick inside her. I adjusted my position, moving my hips down a bit, and I felt myself slip deeper.

I looked over my shoulder to see Kate sucking Poln's dick. I wondered briefly if she had wiped it off first or if she had used her lips and tongue to clear away the discharge from Mie's pussy. Either way, watching the boy begin to orgasm inside Kate's mouth made me start to hump Mie faster.

I leaned down and kissed the teen, smiling at her as I realized she was tasting herself. She didn't shy away, her tongue mixing with mine in her mouth as we moaned together. We were still locked like that when I started to cum inside the girl's vagina. Strong spurts rushed out and I struggled for breath, filling Mie's tight little hole quickly, and my cum squished out each time I thrust inside. My cock swelled as it released seed into the girl's fertile pussy, and I enjoyed the way Mie's body seemed to open itself wider, yielding just a bit more, as if she wanted me to empty my seed just outside her womb.

The four of us relaxed and talked quietly a few minutes before we rinsed off in the surf. I wished Mie a happy birthday once more, then kissed her goodnight. Poln took Mie's hand and the cousin-lovers skipped off to their hut while Kate walked hand-in-hand with me. I slid into bed next to Bailey and wrapped myself around her, Kate tight against my back. Bailey barely stirred, her arm over Keekah's bulging stomach over the blankets. I sighed and relaxed, letting another day in paradise wash away from me a few hours before started another one the next morning.

End of Chapter 134

Read Chapter 135